Why Recovery Coaching Works!


Let’s face it, there are just some things that you can do better with the help and support of another person. Even in today’s world of techno fixes, gadgets, and apps for almost everything, notice I said, “almost”. Having the strong support of someone who is working solely for your sobriety success is invaluable.

How is this done? By engaging in regular personal interactions. Using my own life experiences, training and expertise to support you, as you want to be supported. Without labels of who you are, where you have been, what you have done; instead works with you on who you are today, where you want to be tomorrow, and the next day. Sober and enjoying the life you want.

What does having a Recovery Coach focused solely on your alcohol sobriety success look and feel like?

Without judgments, worry about disappointment, nagging, guilt, shame and embarrassment, a Recovery Coach hears what you say and what you do not say. We care about your sobriety, the impact your sobriety has on you right now, and family members right now.

Using tried and true methods, your Recovery Coach helps you understand alcohol addiction and sobriety for what it is:

A substance abuse disorder; a lifelong journey; requires work everyday.

Coaches help you stay the course BY:

  • Encourages authenticity, honesty with yourself;
  • Keeps you looking forward, to future possibilities; not backward, mired in the past;
  • Coaches you to set real achievable goals;
  • Uses realistic strategies to attain your sobriety goals;
  • Coaches you on how to form new habits that replace the old;
  • Coaches you to forgive others and most importantly, forgive yourself.

You are ready to let go of old habits, or you would not be reading this. Do it now, do it for YOU, make that step, don’t put it off.


Contact me today at www.joearlycoaching.com