3 Key Things That Keep Us Stuck


  1. Indecisiveness
  2. Lack of Motivation
  3. Desire for Approval

Picture this.

Feeling stuck in the same place, feeling like your life is one big ball of inaction, that you are just going through the motions, stuck in neutral? Procrastinating? Not facing your fears? Fear of failure, heavens forbid fear of success? Stuck in the past so deep that you cannot see or even think about the future?

Ever have the self-conversation with yourself “why can’t I (stop drinking? get some help? move on, move out, change jobs, get a job?) I am struggling with? (my drinking, staying sober, family relationships, risky behavior?) Why can’t I put my ideas, plans, desires for a more ful-filling life into actions?

Well, ask it now. Right NOW. Answer it. Right NOW. No one can hear or see you.

You are plagued with Indecisiveness to the degree that you lack the Motivation to move to an action mode. Your desire for Approval keeps you in an inactive place because you fear what someone will say, think, or have a perception about you and your decision.

Whew! Sounds familiar?

You are not alone. Everyone, OK almost everyone, is indecisive about something at some point in their life due to one or all these reasons (not an all inclusive list). We all want that special someone in our life to approve of us, our decisions, our choices? Don’t we?

What are you stuck on right now? This very moment?

Try This Exercise: Write down 2 things that you planned to do by now. Now can be whatever you want it to be (today, this week, this month, this year, this life).

THING 1: ___________________________________________________________________.

THING 2: ___________________________________________________________________.

Answer these questions for EACH THING. Remember to write down your responses.

1. What has prevented me from moving forward with?

2. When did I/do I need to do it?

3. What will I do right now to move it forward?

4. When and how will I know it is done?

Congratulations! You have taken the first step to overcoming being stuck. Look at all the work you have done looking at the present and the future. Was it so hard to do something, right now about things that you have thought and thought about?

Keep it up.

“Doing Something is Doing Something!”

For more information contact me at jo@joearlycoaching.com